Friday, October 1, 2010


So much for a toon a week. I'm still pumping out some flashs but neglecting this blog as it's tied to an old email account that I rarely use anymore. Ah well.

I started a zombie project some time ago. I'll put a few up here in the next few days. Some are in various stages, animated and unanimated, character illustrations as well as e-cards and the likes. I'll just chuck it all up.

This one turned out rather odd. The baby zombies look more like frogmen than zombies. Creepy and ugly as hell but still very cute. I've dubbed the male zombie Irishmen after a friend of mine.
Habbah Zambah Birthday
Here's the male zombie on his own:

No pre-loader on this one, same combichrist track:
Zombie Birthday.
One of these days I'll get around to doing some longer e-cards.

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